Speaker: Maulana Abdur Razzaq
Location: Makki Masjid Gujranwala
Sect: Ahle Hadith
Language: Urdu
Time: April 2010
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When you point a finger at someone, you must first examine your hand to see if it is covered with dirt. The clerics have always presented arguments against the Mirzai (Qadiani) Sect but I want to confront those who say they have nothing against the Mirzais.
You must obtain one great book by Maulana Muhammad Hussain Batalvi who was able to gather the opinion of all the schools of thought among the Muslims of South Asia. In all, 178 great ulema after reading the books of the Mirzai sect as source material held that by their own assertion the Mirzais were not Muslims. Anyone who thinks otherwise is Satan and Dajjal.
In 1974, the Azad Jammu & Kashmir assembly took the momentous decision, followed by the parliament in Islamabad, that the Lahori and Rabwi or Qadiani Mirzais were not Muslims in the their belief. I am pointing this out because my ancestors had been engaged in exposing this sect.
Another argument of mine is. This unfortunate man Mirza Ghulam Ahmad said to Maulvi Sanaullah that he should write whatever he wanted to say against Mirzais in his journal. The one who is proved false should die during the lifetime of the other.
Remember something else too. A prophet is without blemish and dies in a clean way. Remember that when the Prophet PBUH was alive he was clean and when he died he was clean. When Abu Bakr entered the death chamber of the Prophet PBUH he kissed the face of the Prophet PBUH and said, ‘He was clean in his life and now death has come in such clean state’. Remember that if your life is unclean then death too comes as unclean act.
The criterion of judging a Muslim is his character and his faith and the way he expresses that faith. Let’s look at the faith of the Qadiani closely because he calls himself Muslim and calls Muhammad PBUH the Last Prophet.
The pillars (arkan) of Islam are six. The first is kalima which says that Allah is One and Muhammad PBUH is His Prophet PBUH. But when a Mirzai says his kalima he means Ghulam Ahmad when he pronounces Muhammad. So don’t be confused when the Mirzai says his kalima just like you say it.
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